Community vehicle maintenance
We have the skills to maintain and repair vehicles and we're not afraid to use them!
In early October 2023, I spread the message on my social media networks inquiring whether there were individuals/families who lacked the time/resources/skills to complete an oil change on their vehicle. 3 people responded to my inquiry.
On October 14, 2023, we gathered at one 'shedder's' house where we changed oil and filters on 4 vehicles back-to-back. The purpose was to use our skills to benefit the community: mission accomplished.
Contact us if you know of any similar needs within your community.

Driftwood Christmas Trees
'Twas the night of December 7, 2023 when Shedders gathered in an old barn out in the bowels of Metchosin.
During this stiff, frosty night, in which the ocean breeze was cut through the air, they used their minds, their tools, and each other to construct a piece of West Coast Christmas decor for the ages...introducing the annual Christmas Construction Craft!
This year's inaugural event, saw 4 men piece together a 2 foot Christmas Tree out of driftwood. Because it was experimental by virtue of being inaugural, expectations were kept to a minimum; however, given the ease and the success with which such a project was executed, plans are in the works to make this an annual event in which, items can be sold on the market with proceeds being reinvested in the community. Stay tuned!

Other Projects
We are only limited by our imagination and facilities at this point. If you know of any needs in the community or have any suggestions of how to bring a little more joy into the neighbourhood, let us know! We have the skills. You provide the direction.